The 11th International Conference on Urban Health, Manchester, United Kingdom, March 4-7th 2014
Conference Venue
The conference will be split into four key domains. Within each domain will be a series of work streams relevant to the domain. A global leader in each work stream will present to all delegates in a plenary lecture in the main hall. The parallel sessions will then be split into sessions related to each respective work stream, with a series of workshops, case studies, debates, Question and Answer sessions, and talks from successful applicants and other world-leaders within the work stream theme.
Please find the provisional programme of workshops for each work stream below. This only includes confirmed workshops and we will be announcing more in the next month. All successful abstracts will be integrated into the programme after the January 31st deadline for registration and confirmation.
Please click on a domain to find out more information:
Cities are different, they need different actors and policies that suit the need of citizens. More so now than ever before urban residents, workforce and employers are leading research, policy and interventions. These work streams will showcase the fantastic work that urban citizens contribute to urban health and wellbeing, truly crossing boundaries.
How we live, work and play in our cities is dependant on a number of sectors all working together, crossing boundaries. Healthier cities where wellbeing, equity and prosperity grows are possible through transdisciplinarity. These work streams investigate the theory, practice and outcomes from an international, national and local viewpoint.
The historic foundation pillars of public health are founded within cities where pioneers were crossing boundaries centuries ago. These work streams explore the relationship between citizens, healthcare and wellbeing programmes to improve the health of urban citizens.