The 11th International Conference on Urban Health, Manchester, United Kingdom, March 4-7th 2014
Conference Venue
The ICUH venue, Manchester Central, is in the heart of the city and is lucky enough to boast 2,500 hotel bedrooms within a five minute walk.
Our friends at Visit Manchester have worked with hotels around the city to offer ICUH delegates exclusive deals at a wide range of hotels in and around Manchester- catering for all levels of budget and luxury.
Please use the Accommodation Booking Service (below) to book your hotel room(s). The service offers:
Delegates are able to book online via the dedicated web link, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit Manchester are also happy to take telephone reservations or reservations via e-mail. Please contact the Client Services Team by calling +44 (0) / 4563 or via e-mail – . The operational hours of the Client Services Team are 08:00 – 20:00 GMT, Monday – Friday.
The website will be available for bookings until 00:01 GMT on 4th February 2014. After this date Visit Manchester will still be able to take requests via telephone and e-mail, however, availability & rates will be dependant upon the individual hotels availability.